Happy Wednesdays

Happy wednesdays are currently on hold - Check back to find out when they will start again

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My Facebook live videos

My Facebook lives. Happy Wednesdays are on Wednesday mornings LOL

7am Central time, Cairo Egypt 2pm, Dubai 4pm, Toronto 8am, Sydney 10pm, Curacao 8am

What I achieve with my happy Wednesdays is 15 minutes sometimes longer of very light humour and conversation I tell a joke or two well let me rephrase that I try and tell a joke for people that know me can tell you that I love jokes but am really bad at telling them “that's usually the funny part of the joke me telling it lol”  I also suggest for people to share their jokes .

I like to keep the conversation very light, especially these days, keeping in mind that many people that are on lockdown might be living on their own that might get lonely after a while, to let people know what I do and how they can reach out to me  at these difficult times of turmoil, I am not charging for my services I am trying to help as many people as possible with whatever is laying heavy on their hearts be it fear, anxiety, eating out of frustration etc…….

What's in it for you? a little laughter, some insight as I like to finish the live with one nugget that you can use throughout the week or in your life.